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The Bare Performance Podcast

Jul 29, 2020

In this episode of the Bare Performance Podcast, Nick Bare sits down to talk with Ryan Kelley. Ryan is the CEO and Founder of The Home Loan Expert and Hero.Loan. He has built an impressive home mortgage business, while also helping many others along the way.

Nick and Ryan first met at the Bataan Memorial Death March...

Jul 27, 2020

In this episode of the Bare Performance Podcast, Nick Bare talks about turning 30 years old this year. As Nick gets older he constantly works to gain a greater perspective on the world, topics, discussions and others opinions.

Listen to Nick talk about gaining a greater perspective and what that means for his life,...

Jul 24, 2020

In this episode of The Bare Performance Podcast, Nick Bare talks about the topic of leadership and why "leaders lead".

Nick spent 4 years as an active duty infantry officer in the US Army, which he contributes as a pivotal point in his life. He learned from other officers, non-commissioned officers and Soldiers in his...

Jul 16, 2020

In this episode of The Bare Performance Podcast, Nick Bare talks about the quote "play the cards you're dealt or fold them".

This quote is based around the concept of eliminating excuses of why you can't and you won't (the fold), but focusing on playing the cards.

Listen to Nick break down the concept and how you can...

Jul 7, 2020

In this episode of the Bare Performance Podcast, Nick Bare answers some commonly asked questions from Instagram on topics of fitness, nutrition, business and military leadership.

Nick and Trey (BPN's Director of Social Media) will be hosting more of these episodes in the future.

Be sure to follow the Bare Performance...